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Issue - May/June 2024

Feature 1 - Portal - SepOct24 v2.jpg

Innovation and Technology: Defining the Future of Moving

In the three years since the Portal last took an in-depth look at technology in the moving and mobility industry, the pace of change and innovation has increased dramatically. New companies have entered the market with products and services tailored specifically for moving and mobility companies. In the blink of an eye, it seems, every aspect of our business is open to process improvement through new digital tools, from planning and logistics all the way to packing, tracking and claims.

In this month’s feature, your colleagues and industry leaders discuss the establishment and adoption of industry-wide data standards, applying AI automation to everything from routine tasks and communications to decision-making, utilizing apps to speed processes and reduce travel, integrating and automating insurance and claims processes, increasing transparency in the process for drivers and customers, and more.

Some of our authors discuss the role of groundbreaking technologies in enhancing sustainability in our operations, as well. Reusable packing materials made from eco-friendly sources, combining shipments, tracking and reducing carbon footprints across supply chains, remote surveys, and tracking vehicle use are a few of the solutions you’ll find below.

Whether your operation is large or a small start-up, the following pages are your roadmap to today’s streamlined, interconnected, sustainable, and increasingly automated moving and mobility industry. I say “today’s” because everything they discuss is going on right now in the present. Taken together, these articles also point the way to the moving superhighway of the future, but only time will tell what strange on-ramps will add to the mix in the years to come.

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