Issue - May/June 2023

IAM Volunteers: A Win-Win for Everyone
Chair: IAM Leadership Alliance Council
Time is a precious commodity. For the most part, we control how we spend our time. Whether it’s work, family, play, or volunteering, each activity is important. So why do I choose to spend some (or a lot!) of my time volunteering at IAM? It gives me an opportunity to help shape the direction of the industry and advocate for the interests of the IAM members. I find that it helps me to develop new skills, build my network, and gain exposure to new perspectives and ideas. But most of all, I love to do my part to help this industry, however I can.
Volunteering can be a great way to meet people with whom you might not have the reason to share a conversation. Many of these new connections can be valuable when it comes to finding new business opportunities, and partnerships, or even seeking advice and guidance. But the biggest reason for me? I find that volunteering is personally fulfilling, as it provides an opportunity to give back to the moving community and to the organization that has made such an impact in my life. I get the chance to contribute to something larger than myself.
Have you ever thought – but I don’t have time? Well sure, it can require a significant time commitment, particularly if you are taking on a leadership role. This can be challenging if you have other responsibilities that compete with your time. You must take a hard look at your available time; make sure you can commit to what is expected of you. There are plenty of volunteer positions that are limited in scope and it’s a great way to start. I started volunteering with IAM on a sub-committee. That’s all I could commit to between my work responsibilities and my family life with young children. It wasn’t the right time for me to take on a leadership role with IAM. Although for me, it’s hard to say no whenever asked to help; I knew I couldn’t perform the duties and I would be letting everyone down. But as time went by, later in my career and family life, I was able to volunteer in more demanding roles.
So, is there a side benefit for you and your company when volunteering? More than you might think! Being involved in a committee or board at IAM can increase your company's exposure to potential customers, partners, and other industry professionals. As you participate in committee meetings, events, and other activities, it helps build brand awareness and recognition. It can also position you and your company as thought leaders. By sharing your expertise, insights, and perspectives, you can demonstrate your company's knowledge and expertise, and help to establish your company as a respected authority. You also learn from others and are exposed to so many new subjects and opinions. It broadens your knowledge.
A word of caution though—remember that you are representing the IAM membership; it’s not a venue for you or your company’s agenda. Make sure you listen to the membership and other committee members and serve them well. The staff at IAM has always been supportive of the volunteers. They recognize the importance of the members and the volunteers that help IAM maintain its strength and focus on the future. Volunteering, especially at IAM, is an honor—come join our group!