Issue - March/April 2022

Organization and Innovation in Brazil
Latin America has always proved to be an important and at the same time challenging market for the global mobility industry, and despite being the largest economy in the bloc and having a high capacity to attract investments, Brazil does not escape some of the obstacles common to countries in the region, such as high port charges and long customs clearance times for import shipments—complaints that we often hear from our partner agents.
Although there is legislation in force, customs activities in Brazil are decentralized, opening gaps so that different ports may require different documentation for customs clearance—a bureaucracy that can generate confusion for those who are not aware about this topic.
With this difficulty in mind, Global Packing has taken an organized approach with the main ports in the country, obtaining updated information for our customers and agents about recent changes, and warning about the possible impacts that these changes may represent. This approach has also generated another positive effect, which allows us to negotiate values with the mooring terminals, reducing costs for our customer.
We know that a move can be very stressful, and that's why Global Packing adopts an attitude of facilitator for our customers, looking for practical solutions that can make a difference in their experience. An example is that since the container crisis came about, we have adopted an active search with multiple shipping lines and freight forwarders to obtain bookings with competitive prices and closest departure dates. Unlike some moving companies that would take up to four months to effectively send a shipment, we have managed to load goods directly in the container, eliminating costs such as storage in transit and detention, for example. This effort resulted in a great success in our operations, minimizing the elapsed time between the packing and the effective load on board.
During the pandemic, while many companies were closed, we decided that we could do more for our community, using our available work force in a relevant way. We put our entire operational team and our fleet at the disposal of a non-governmental organization that we have been supporting for some years. We transported tons of non-perishable food and personal hygiene items to distribute to hundreds of families in underserved communities in Rio de Janeiro. It is extremely gratifying to look around and realize that we are in a position to help people, and this is a feeling we won't ever give up!
We know that many challenges lie ahead and Global Packing will always be attentive to what is going on in the industry, committed to a serious and efficient management of our financial and personal resources, and believing in and working toward better days.