Issue - March/April 2022

Putting Clients First
Through the Difficult Times
Latin America is a young region with a wonderful potential in terms of natural and geographic resources, as well as human capital, which make it attractive for those interested in international trade. However, there are also unfavorable factors that affect the economic growth, the production of goods, and services provision.
In the case of Venezuela, where the legal tender currency (the Bolívar) has lost significant value (1 USD = 4,000,000 Bs) and where the circulation of the dollar has been de facto implemented (it is not mandated by national law), the recent economic crisis is considered the worst hyperinflation in American history. This economic phenomenon registered monthly inflations of more than 50% from 2017 through the end of 2021 and worsened in mid-2020 due to the socio-economic impact caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which made the Venezuelan middle social class disappear.
Immersed in this context, the international moving industry in Venezuela faces great challenges: (1) fuel shortage; (2) shortage of packaging materials; (3) disproportionate increase in costs in the various economic sectors; (4) lack of structure and arbitrariness in the organization of the national working calendar (pandemic environment); (5) lack of cash (Bolivars and U.S. Dollars); (6) illegal and exaggerated collection of “gifts” by port officers to authorize regular procedures; (7) temporary suspension of vehicle exports as part of household items; and (8) a changing regulatory framework.
In Venezuela, there are certainly variations of a temporary or permanent nature in customs matters. In order to successfully carry out export and import (air) port procedures, our strategy is based on effectively investigating new customs regulations, advising directly with the appropriate institutions and officers, and establishing a close link with them. All of this is in order to obtain useful and accurate information that allows us to achieve the best possible performance in a variable environment.
Our strategy to maintain our loyal customers lies in the direct and personalized treatment of our clients once they contact us through our information and advertising media. The especially warm, professional and human treatment of our work team is combined with a clear, complete and very competitive economic proposal, where clients obtain the best combination of price and quality of service. We also keep our clients informed at every stage of the moving process and beyond. All of these elements together convert removals into pleasant experiences for our customers, and in this way we not only keep them as clients but also make us likely to be recommended to their families, friends and colleagues.
Moving Life has overcome the intrinsic obstacles of the endless economic crisis in our country: hyperinflation, scarcity, aggressive regulatory framework for investments and others. We do this by providing the best possible removal service and receiving the rewards of our customers who, despite the unfriendly environment for the performance of this activity, are happily satisfied. We have surfed the wave partly by sacrificing our economic profit, but we keep our company going strong and are optimistic about the future.