Issue - January/February 2023

Apply for the Industry Training Program Award
The Alan F. Wohlstetter Scholarship Fund is not just for academic scholarships. Thanks to this new initiative, the AFW Scholarship Fund is awarding up to $500 per person annually to conduct Industry Training Programs applicable to all skill levels, including the IAMTrusted Moving Specialist and IAMTrusted Moving Company training courses.
Pre-approved training programs include but are not limited to IAM Learning, FIDI, LACMA, EuRA, and WERC. To request an alternative industry training program, please complete the ITP registration form.
There are NO LIMITS to applicants per company. Apply now; applications are quick and easy.
Applicants must be employed by an IAM Member, a dependent of an employee of an IAM Member, or be a Student Member. Apply for IAM student membership for only $25.