Issue - January/February 2023

The IAM Issue Resolution System:
A Tool to Solve Member Issues and Validate Trust
Member companies rely on IAM to provide them with tools to make business easier. Trade issues cause significant friction for members and use up focus and energy that are better directed toward optimizing business.
All IAM members have access to the new IAM Issue Resolution System to seek support from their Association on collecting unpaid invoices, resolving disputed shipments or ethical violations, and reporting the misuse of IAM’s name or logo. IAM is committed to addressing these issues that cause this friction through the IAM Issue Resolution System.
Most issues between IAM member companies are amicably and promptly resolved between the concerned parties. From time to time, however, difficulties require intervention. The IIRS will enforce a strict process and timeline to bring issues to a fair and timely resolution. All IAM members are encouraged as professionals to follow these processes and timelines. Should problems remain unresolved, then IAM may directly intervene depending on the nature of the dispute.
For an IAMTrusted Moving Company, however, compliance is a requirement. Under the new IAMTrusted Moving Company (ITMC) program, a company must make a voluntary and far more serious commitment to strictly follow and abide by the IIRS guidelines. Keeping and displaying the ITMC designation carries a greater responsibility to conduct oneself professionally and in compliance with the prescribed set of policies and guidelines. The ITMC designation is a badge that signals a company’s highest commitment to professional conduct and strict adherence to the International Association of Movers (IAM) By-Laws, the RPP Operating Rules and Regulations, the Code of Ethics, the IAM Procedures for Dispute Resolution and Ethics Enforcement, and the IAMTrusted Moving Company Agreement.
An IAMTrusted Moving Company must abide by the IIRS guidelines. If the company does not comply with these guidelines, it will lose its IAMTrusted designation and the right to display the IAMTrusted Moving Company logo. This requirement may seem strict, but it is necessary to maintain the integrity and value of the IAMTrusted Moving Company designation and ensure that only compliant companies are using it.
This solution will make moving easier for customers worldwide by advancing the professionalism and operational excellence of IAM members.