Issue - July/August 2024

Thriving in the Moving Industry: Embracing Challenges and Self-Care
The moving industry has been exceptionally rewarding for me. It’s never boring; it’s fluid and constantly challenging. I’ve discovered that the sweetness of victory increases with the degree of difficulty. This challenge is the fuel that keeps me engaged and eager for more.
However, choosing to play hard inevitably leads to exhaustion. For me, success hinges on my ability to recognize and address both mental and physical exhaustion. Regular, small doses of refueling and substantial mental breaks are essential. Below are a few key strategies I employ for my well-being.
A Day of Rest
Each week, I dedicate one day to doing absolutely nothing related to work. This day is spent with family, shopping, reading, or walking—the activities I truly enjoy. This day off is non-negotiable and helps me recharge for the week ahead.
Daily Reflection
Daily reflection is incredibly important to me. After a long day, I schedule purposeful time to reflect, process, and plan. This practice is 100% mentally stimulating and healthy, providing direction, clarity, and a peaceful energy.
Prioritize Yourself
It’s easy to neglect yourself when you’re surrounded by priorities. Guilt used to play a significant role in holding me back from taking time for myself, until I realized that doing something for myself is also beneficial for those around me. So, what do you do for yourself? Remember, taking care of your needs is essential for overall well-being.
Plan True Breaks
It’s often challenging to completely disconnect from work for an extended period. Be purposeful about your breaks. I pre-plan my vacation days at the beginning of the year, allowing some flexibility for family. A week of complete mental and physical rest works wonders and strengthens you for the challenges ahead.
The Myth of Work-Life Balance
I’ve heard of a balance between work and home, but if you have a vision or goal, something has to give. I don’t know of anyone who has achieved something great without sacrifice. This balance may not exist, but if you listen to your body and mind, you’ll know when to tilt the scale.
Life isn’t perfect, and it’s this imperfection that makes it enjoyable. It’s okay to feel uncomfortable and try something new; you’re planting seeds for future growth and opportunities. During your journey to new accomplishments, don’t forget to take care of yourself. It’s okay to take a break.