Issue - July/August 2024

How Daycos Supports Mental Wellness: Two Stories
Story 1:
By Angela Henery, Director of Communications, Daycos
Daycos takes a holistic approach to mental wellness. We feel that employees who are well-regulated and fulfilled tend to be more efficient in their roles and stay with the company longer. Without a strong employee stakeholder, we can’t provide our customers with great service, and the company will subsequently take a hit.
Personal Development
When employees are given the opportunity to grow, it allows them to stay engaged and find fulfillment in their work. Daycos also believes that growth doesn’t have to be work-related at all.
Through our personal development program, we have had employees write books, learn new languages, and even fly a plane. Last fall, our vice president, Paula Alder, became certified as a Co-Active Coach and it had a huge impact on her life. Not only has it had a benefit on her interactions with our customers, but she has also begun lending her expertise to our employees by giving free coaching sessions.
Wellness Committee
At Daycos we have an entire committee dedicated to the physical and mental wellness of our employees. Recently, this group organized chair massages for our employees, which allowed them 15 minutes of relaxation and meditation.
This group also organizes frequent challenges for employees to compete with an incentive for participation. Some of these daily activities include things like reading 10 pages of nonfiction, 10 minutes of reflection time, or even partaking in a random act of kindness. These simple activities can help boost your mental health and often help kick-start creativity.
Flexible Working Arrangements
At Daycos we don’t believe an employee should ever have to choose between work and family. Because of this, we have implemented a hybrid work schedule, allowing employees to work two days a week at home. Along with that is the ability for individuals to flex their hours throughout the week and make up time on the weekends as needed. This schedule lowers stress levels and promotes a healthy work-life balance for everyone.
Supportive Culture
One of our core values at Daycos is to make this a great place to work. We demonstrate this through various committee efforts, but we also just simply enjoy each other’s company.
We have a positive atmosphere, and we truly look out for each other like a family. When tough things happen in the lives of our employees, it is known that there are coworkers who will support you along the way. When more assistance is needed, Daycos also offers a benefit to employees for free counselling services.
Story 2:
By Jane Carole Bunting, Relationship Manager, Daycos
I have found, both in observations from my own life and in my studies and practice as a Certified Wellness Coach, that mental wellness does not exist in a vacuum. It’s part of the balance and overlap between all dimensions of wellness—occupational, mental, physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual. As a result, some of my most effective ways to ensure mental wellness and its positive professional impact involve activities that promote health in multiple wellness dimensions. Three of my favorite tools and how I implement them personally are:
Green Exercise, which is physical activity done outside. In addition to the typical physical benefits of any type of exercise, this method is proven to lower anxiety, reduce tension, combat depression, fight fatigue, decrease anger, boost relaxation, and enhance attentiveness. I make it a point to move my body for at least one intentional, unbroken, continuous mile outside each day. This takes less than 20 minutes, even at a casual pace, but provides mental, physical, emotional and spiritual wellness benefits.
Continued growth and learning, both within explicitly work-related fields and in pursuit of other areas that create fulfillment. Whether it be my recently completed additional Masters degree in Mass Communication or the Women’s Fitness Specialist certification I am currently pursuing to expand my knowledge and pedigree in the health and fitness realm, I routinely live by the value, “always be learning.” This helps to provide occupational, intellectual, and mental wellness by creating fulfillment, growth, and new ways to approach various opportunities in life.
Keeping a dedicated space for work within the home. This not only allows for the ability to physically and mentally “step away” from work for a break, but also creates the distinction of “stepping in” to the work mindset. The cue of being in the workspace helps the brain adjust to focusing on work during that time and homelife when not stationed in the work area. This helps create a healthy balance in social, occupational, mental and emotional wellness.