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Issue - July/August 2023

Feature 1 - Portal - SepOct24 v2.jpg

EDC: Embracing Digital Connection

It’s my (and my fellow YP-ers’) favorite time of the year! Tell me, what other group of industry peers gets their own dedicated issue in the Portal?!

I found the topic of this issue to be interesting, as it is the perfect juxtaposition to describe our industry. From major international moves to local moves within the same town, “Think Globally, Act Locally” perfectly describes the magnitude of the impact our industry has on a global level as well as in our local communities, and how it’s all connected.

In a world that is increasingly interconnected, it’s essential to think globally and act locally. As advocates for sustainability, we at EDC have embraced helping other businesses reduce their carbon footprint and achieve their corporate social responsibility (CSR) goals via our software solutions. By empowering companies to transition from traditional paper-based processes to digital systems, we enable them to reduce their paper consumption significantly. This shift not only eliminates unnecessary waste but also streamlines operations, fostering efficiency and productivity. Our systems also give customers the opportunity to employ hybrid or remote workplaces, cutting down on carbon emissions associated with commuting and minimizing resource consumption.

Additionally, through the implementation of our innovative technology, our clients are connected with partners and customers worldwide. Real-time, secure information exchange becomes seamless, transcending geographical boundaries. Picture a customer in South Korea effortlessly communicating with someone in Florida, working together toward a shared objective. This global collaboration is an example of the power that technology carries in breaking down geographical barriers and supporting global environmental collaborations.

And, our commitment to CSR doesn't stop there. By embracing digitalization, our customers have unlocked immense potential for growth and improvement. Our software equips them with the tools to enhance their processes, automate workflows, and increase overall efficiency. This not only boosts their bottom line but also allows them to reallocate resources towards initiatives that align with their CSR principles.

Digitalization and going paperless yield multiple benefits. Beyond reducing environmental impact, they enable companies to simplify everyday processes, improve accessibility, and enhance data security. By taking the step to digitalize, businesses can achieve their CSR objectives while also driving innovation and staying ahead in today's digital age, making it a win-win. We encourage you to look into digitalizing your processes and in turn make a positive impact, both locally and globally!

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