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Issue - July/August 2022

Feature 1 - Portal - SepOct24 v2.jpg

What a YP Can Tell You About the Moving Industry

Breaking into a fast-changing yet established industry as a young professional comes with many hopes, dreams, challenges, and expectations. You’re trying to kickstart your career, learn industry terms (do you remember what you were doing when you first heard TSP, SCAC, or Digital Inventory?!), and build new relationships with new and experienced industry members, all while wanting to leave your mark in the business. That last point is one I constantly question myself about: at the end of each day, what am I doing that’ll leave a long-lasting impact on the industry, and how?

Thankfully, the answer to that question will vary greatly depending on who you ask, paving the way for an infinite number of global perspectives to combine and beautifully shape the industry we know and love. In the moving industry, technology will always be at the forefront of advancement, whether you’re looking to start your moving business, scale up, or expand. For me, a digital marketing specialist at Enterprise Database Corporation (EDC), leaving my mark means playing my part to spread awareness and educate the industry on the great tech tools that are available to help them achieve their goals.

As a YP in the moving industry, I strive to listen to and reach all kinds of audiences in the industry via social media, email, and other digital channels to let them know that we’ve got great tech solutions to support them in their journey. Specifically, I want to communicate that these tools are convenient, obtainable, and easy-to-use to overcome existing, rising, or future challenges in the industry and within individual companies.

My role within EDC empowers me to have a direct impact on the people we support. Knowing that my work can help businesses, small or large, achieve next-level goals, streamline their operations, or solve a problem is truly rewarding, and as a YP, I can see the change I’m helping to make early on in my career. I’m surrounded by an extremely dedicated and caring team at EDC, especially my indispensable mentor, Sandra Clary, who has selflessly and willingly helped me progress and grow.

When I look at the future of the moving industry, the first thing I feel is calmness. I’m calm and confident that all of us YPs will lead the industry into a prosperous and exciting future with our dedication, eagerness to grow, and forward-thinking mindset. We favor innovation and development, and are unafraid to make waves or challenge the status quo. I’m certain that with our efforts and the guidance of our current, experienced mentors, the moving industry’s future will be as bright as all the individuals who comprise it. 

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