Issue - July/August 2022

The Importance of Making Connections
When I first joined Supermove, I knew very little about the moving industry. I also started my new role during the pandemic, so it was not easy to develop relationships. I immediately tapped into LinkedIn (which I found to be a pretty popular social media platform for the moving and storage industry) and set up virtual coffee chats with anyone who responded to me. I was overwhelmed by the responses I got. People were surprisingly open to sharing their experiences and giving insight into their world of being a mover!
One of the first people I connected with was Kevin Ankenbauer, Owner of Ward North American. We scheduled a short call and I remember ending the call feeling inspired. He has become my mentor, and is one of the most supportive, kind people I know. I loved his focus on building a good culture and a company that people are proud to work at, which encouraged me to be a culture champion at Supemove. Mentorship is a two-way street; not only am I able to learn from Kevin but I'm able to share ideas and provide my fresh perspective.
I encourage everyone to seek a mentor if you don't have one already. Do the cold outreach like I did, be genuine and curious, and be open to where it might lead you.