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Issue - July/August 2022

Feature 1 - Portal - SepOct24 v2.jpg

The Most Important Values a Leader Can Have

I want to start by quoting the great leader and author John Mackey from his book, Conscious Leadership—Elevating humanity through business. “Leadership has always presented challenges, but today, amid our rapidly changing global economy, those challenges are truly monumental. The sheer diversity of issues that any CEO must respond to requires the wisdom of Buffet, the assertiveness of Churchill, the creativity of Jobs, the emotional intelligence of Oprah, and the patience of Mandela! No individual perfectly meets these multiple demands, but the best learn an invaluable lesson: that leadership is an ongoing journey of service, not a static position of power.”

I have never seen myself as a leader but as a good person who likes to keep things fun at work and in life. I am a self-starter who is passionate about the personal connection in any social interaction, but above all, international moving runs in my blood. Since I was a kid, my dream has been to continue my grandfather's legacy of 60 years in the moving industry. Opening Sandhill in Ecuador responds to a strong desire to make an impact in a country rich with opportunity with few leaders willing to take on those challenges in a conscious way. 

What is the conscious way? For me, it means having a strong vision with solid values such as communication transparency, zero tolerance for corruption, and always giving credit to the people who elevate you in your journey to happiness and success. During my leadership journey, I have been lucky to have incredible mentors who became the stepping stones of my career. I have had mentors from all walks of life, from CEOs to my own mother and father, and most recently, my crew—who show up every day to craft state-of-the-art packing and amaze our customers with their passion and professionalism.

Looking toward the future, I want to partner with the best in the industry to implement innovative solutions and programs that facilitate agents’ and end-customers’ needs when moving internationally. There is an opportunity to connect, share operational pain points and keep evolving the industry by implementing new technologies that are scalable and add value to the industry as a whole. Any ideas? Let’s talk!

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