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Issue - July/August 2021

Feature 1 - Portal - SepOct24 v2.jpg

A Commitment to Health and Safety

The COVID-19 virus has changed the way we used to live. Everything happened so fast that we did not know where to start. In Peru, most industries were paralyzed for more than three months and some of them continue shut down to this day. The moving industry stopped for more than four months, which created a big challenge to us—fortunately, our storage service and warehouses helped us to get through the pandemic with a fixed income. 

At Atlas International Service, we have established strict protocols; for instance, we are providing internal transportation for our staff to come to our offices instead of using public transportation. Additionally, we are implementing a cleaning and disinfecting protocol, and strict practices against COVID-19. 

Despite of all the bad things that were happening, we were able to work with several companies internally, many of which moved their staff to work remotely from their homes. This process was successfully implemented with very good results.

Regarding coexistence in our own office, we have implemented cubicles for each staff to avoid contagion. Furthermore, staff are taking turns to use the dining room and they are maintaining the appropriate distances to avoid the spread of COVID-19. 

As for the new technologies that we have used in the company, they include a range of preventive equipment from kn95 masks to fumigation machines at the end of each moving service, which guarantees a greater peace of mind to our clients. 

We are very committed to the health and protection of our staff, and have achieved a balance in which operating expenses have increased, but our rates have not been affected. We see with a great optimism and positivity the future of the moving business.

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