The Official Opening
Reception Afterparty
Following the first night’s Opening Reception, we are excited to co-host an Afterparty with our U.S. Domestic Asset-Based (DAB) Mover Group to benefit Move For Hunger. The event is sponsored by Cornerstone Moving & Storage, and proceeds will be used by Move For Hunger and its moving and forwarding partners to fight hunger, food waste and food insecurity.
Donations are USD $50.00 in advance or $75.00 at the door, which gets you two drink tickets and an entry into IAM’s first-ever Rock, Paper, Scissors (RPS) tournament; the RPS champion wins a free four-night hotel stay for the 2023 Annual Meeting in Toronto.
We are planning the Annual Meeting with the health, safety, and well-being of our members as our top priority. We will follow guidelines and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as from state and local officials regarding the health and safety of attendees. A medical room will be available throughout the event, contactless badge stations will be available, and masks (recommended, not required) and hand sanitizer will be available throughout the meeting space. Thanks to the Pasha Group for supporting IAM’s commitment to meeting safely.
As this issue goes to press, IAM’s agenda continues to develop. Follow new developments both on the Schedule-at-a-Glance and in the detailed Annual Meeting Agenda. We’ve assembled a stellar lineup of speakers to host this year’s learning labs and discussion panels, including:
Bill Baker, Director of Relocation, Cox Enterprises, Inc.
Yann Blandy, CEO, Santa Fe Relocation
Tyler Burns, Vice President, Global market Development, Going-there Global Destination Services
Christopher Chalk, CRP, SGMS, Fiserv Global Mobility and Immigration
Ben Cross, CEO, GLOMO
Drew Coolidge, President and COO, Americas, SIRVA BGRS Worldwide, Inc.
Anthony Horton, CRO, Corporate Relocation International
Andrew Jackson, Jr, Global Mobility & Relocation Advisor, WarnerBros Discovery
Chris Lagerman, CRP, GMS, Director of Global Operations, WHR Global
Stephanie Owens, GMS, Global Mobility Manager, UPS
Marc Smet, CEO, Gosselin Group NV
Wiebe van Bockel, Chief Commercial Officer, Voerman Group
Randy Wilson, CRP, President & CEO, NEI Global Relocation
As we get closer to the event date, we will add several more U.S. government and military officials from USTRANSCOM, DoD, GSA, DOS, and others. Whether your company focuses on commercial or government moving, there will be something in the program for everyone.

It just would not be an Annual Meeting without a full slate of social occasions. All of our traditional social events are on the agenda—New Members reception, YP members reception, Opening Reception, the YP Social Mixer and the Closing Dinner and Entertainment—and this year we have added an official Afterparty following the Opening Reception. They all offer unique opportunities to meet and relax with old friends and new colleagues in an informal atmosphere that is extremely rare outside of the Annual Meeting. After two years of remote meetings and video calls, we are all very much looking forward to being able to mingle and see one another face-to-face. All of the social events are listed in the Annual Meeting Agenda and on the Schedule-at-a-Glance, so be sure to note the times and locations as you plan your itinerary.
“The Hub” (Expo Hall)
The Expo Hall will be even more robust and busy than usual this year, after so long away for so many, and even more central to the whole Annual Meeting, which is why we’ve renamed it “The Hub.” During last year’s event in Orlando, small modifications were made in the Expo Hall to address the comfort and safety of attendees. Though designed to protect attendees during the pandemic, they proved popular because they also streamlined traffic and processes and made scheduling easier for everybody.
The most noticeable of these changes is that Grab & Go Food will be available in the hall throughout expo hall hours. Now, rather than a crowded lunch buffet that’s only open at set times, attendees can plan meals around their schedules instead of vice-versa and worry less about crowded tables.
Also, rather than one central lounge, we will space multiple seating areas around the expo hall. This configuration was well-received in Orlando as it allows for social distancing as well as distributing seating more evenly. Hand sanitizer stations will be located throughout the expo hall, as well as in meeting rooms, and a staffed medical room will be available for anyone who feels unwell or has concerns.

Association Leadership and Honorees
The following pages will introduce you to IAM’s volunteer leaders and the industry veterans who will be honored at the Annual Meeting. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with their names and accomplishments, and join us in thanking them for their service to the industry and the association.
We hope you are anticipating the Annual Meeting as much as we are, and we look forward to seeing you there!

Governing Membership

John B. Burrows
John B. Burrows, CEO of DeWitt Moving & Storage Guam, and president, DeWitt Companies Ltd, LLC, is a fourth-generation DeWitt family member. He was brought into the industry as a young man working in the warehouse during his summer breaks. After graduating from college, he became operations manager for the company. During those years, he worked in every aspect of the business to improve overall productivity and quality. Under his guidance, the company quickly became one of the premier moving and storage service providers in the region. Having led efforts to further improve the efficiency, productivity and overall quality of the company, he became president in 1997. In 2002, DeWitt Moving & Storage Guam became an approved Transportation Service Provider (TSP) for the GSA ITGBL program.
In 2003, Burrows became president of DeWitt Moving Worldwide, a division of DeWitt Companies, Ltd., which has become a leader in commercial household goods forwarding. Over the years, he has been involved in all aspects of the sales, operations, finances, marketing and planning of the business. As president, DeWitt Companies Ltd, LLC, he also works closely with management of the other DeWitt Family of Companies, which include Royal Hawaiian Movers and Royal Alaskan Movers.
Having the unique experience of operating a TSP, an agent and a port agent, Burrows has developed a well-rounded perspective. Over the last seven years, he has served on IAM’s Accessorial Committee, the Risk Management and Claims Committee, and is currently Vice Chair of the Executive Committee.

Stephan Geurts Jr.
Stephan Geurts Jr., director, Govlog, N.V., grew up in northern Belgium. In 1996, Gosselin World Wide Moving NV gave him the opportunity to spend his summer vacation on a three-month training program with a customer in the southeastern United States. This enabled him to hone his packing, warehousing and administrative skills.
After graduating from college in 1997, he pursued more in-depth training on the West Coast, where he focused for the next year and a half on military household goods shipping. After returning to Europe he spent six months with a Bremerhaven port agent before settling at Gosselin headquarters in Antwerp, handling DoD personal effects shipments and U.S. Department of State (DoS) business through contracts and tenders.
In 2007, as Gosselin shifted its focus from U.S. government contracting business to logistics and corporate business, Geurts and three colleagues established Government Logistics, whose main focus is serving the U.S. government, providing services for the U.S. Department of Defense and U.S. Department of State throughout Europe.
Geurts served on the IAM Executive Committee from 2006 to 2010 as chairman of the YP-35 (now IAM-YP). During his tenure, the YP-35 membership grew to 200 members. He currently chairs the Accessorial Services Committee.
“In my years on the board I have seen what this Association has accomplished for its membership,” says Geurts, “and I would very much like to continue my service and participate in the many more ventures and challenges to come. Since our Association remains greatly focused on the U.S. Government business, I bring added value to the board as an overseas agent handling all aspects of the DoD and DoS business, which continues to remain a challenging and evolving segment of the international market.”

Adam Hall
Adam Hall, Senior Vice President of the International division of Coleman WorldWide Moving, is responsible for many parts of the organization. He manages the international TSP, as well as Capstone Logistics, responsible for moving all of the international shipments. He also moves the Code 2/D and crate and freight shipments for the Domestic division. In addition, he maintains the relationships with the international partner agents and helps foster and grow the relationships with the ocean carriers Coleman uses to move shipments around the world.
Hall manages Coleman’s three port operations and maintains strong working relations with the other port agents the company uses. The divisions that manage U.S. Department of State moves and commercial and COD shipments to and from Hawaii also fall under his control. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the International Shippers Association, as well as a current member of the Executive Committee of IAM.

Dawn Hasil
Dawn Hasil’s experience spans four decades across all areas of the international household goods and relocation industry. She began her career in accounts receivable at Allied International and went on to hold positions from move coordinator to President. Her experience and knowledge span every aspect of the business including operations, pricing, business development, network development and management, and supply chain management.
Dawn’s passion and commitment to the industry and its people drive her success. She continues to be active in industry organizations and has served on several boards and committees and enjoys mentoring and inspiring the next generation of leaders.
Dawn currently is the Director of Partner Relations for Move One, which has operations in 50 countries and is a governing member of IAM; and is currently the largest member. In her role, she is responsible for developing new strategic partnerships and managing relationships with existing key partners and clients across the household goods and relocation industry.

Jake Pieroni
Jake Pieroni is the owner of Central Van Lines in California. He’s received a degree in Electrical Engineering from UCLA and an MBA from Pepperdine University. His industry mentoring comes from a family with roots in the early days of the IAM, brought up in the business surrounded with a history of pioneering innovation. Firmly focused and committed to the present, he cares deeply about the future of the International Military HHG Forwarder.
Pieroni’s experience in the business goes back 22 years, to when he did summer work for Jet Forwarding. He later joined the company full time under the leadership of IAM Hall of Honor inductee Sandra Rowe Maier and her brother David Rowe. In 2015, he purchased Central Van Lines from Mr. Rowe, and separated the affiliation with Jet Forwarding. Pieroni’s experience in software development has allowed him to build many customized systems for his business. While he gets much enjoyment from software and technology, he finds the building of mutually beneficial relationships with agents and JPPSOs most rewarding.
“My Government & Congressional Affairs Committee work, and my direct legislative engagement in support of industry efforts to influence the global HHG contract initiative, have motivated me to take on this active role,” Pieroni says of his membership on the Executive Committee.
Pieroni is not afraid to get in front of the issues that imperil international HHG forwarders. He understands that our greatest challenges derive from requirements to address customer concerns, so he has developed and maintained relationships with key military family advocates. Says Pieroni, “The people who advocate for change in the military personal property enterprise and, in particular, are responsible for the actions that accelerated the outsourcing effort are the same people that we need to be communicating with, learning from, educating, and developing solutions alongside for a better moving experience for military families, along with healthier, more stable businesses for IAM Members well into the future.”

Mike Richardson
Mike Richardson’s 30-year industry career began in the corporate office of a major van line. He progressed through marketing, quality management and long-distance dispatch positions before relocating to branch offices in the eastern United States, working in local operations. Experience “in the trenches” facilitated his transition 22 years ago to Senate Forwarding, where he is now vice president and general manager. Upon joining Senate, Richardson managed the company’s participation in pilot programs that predated DoD’s Defense Personal Property Program (DP3). He currently manages customer service, operations, rate filing, and claims management for the DoD international and domestic programs.
Richardson joined the IAM Executive Committee as a Member at Large in 2003, chairing the Accessorial Services and Carrier Relations Committees. In 2017 he was elected Vice Chairman and in 2020 as the IAM Chairman. He is a past chair and vice chair of the International Shippers Association (ISA). “I have gained valuable experience during my 19 years in IAM and ISA leadership positions and in chairing committees, making positive gains in areas that have benefited both military TSPs and our commercial-based membership,” says Richardson. "During the pandemic and the subsequent supply chain crisis, IAM had some big challenges to overcome, but through the leadership of this board and tireless efforts of the IAM staff, we are coming out of the last two years stronger than ever. If re-elected, I hope my last year on the Executive Committee will continue these positive gains to benefit our worldwide membership."

Susan Staszewski
Susan Staszewski’s career at National began in 1989 as a Domestic Military Dispatcher, while she completed her business degree in night school. Over the next decade, Susan was promoted to Operations Manager and then Office Manager, overseeing billing and accounting. In 2001, Susan ultimately landed in the International Division as the Managing Director.
Over the last 20 years, she has assembled an outstanding staff, and the International Division has become a multi-million-dollar revenue source for the organization. Her broad base of experience and strong leadership skills fueled the growth and development of the International Division, which operates autonomously as a separate profit center.
Susan’s current position as the President of the International Division includes overall responsibility for all aspects of the business. This includes analyzing and filing international DOD and GSA rates; managing commercial rate processes including cultivating new service providers; facilitating billing and accounting issues between the international division and the parent company; maintaining semi-annual and quarterly reports for GSA, and oversight of the Ocean Cargo policy and reporting. She also participates in USTRANSCOM’s DP3 program with respect to operations, reporting and continuous education. Susan developed and monitors participation in the Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism (C-TPAT) program, to secure National’s portion of the supply chain.
Susan’s industry experience includes maintaining relationships with domestic and foreign business partners, USTRANSCOM, the General Services Administration, and the Department of State, including U.S. embassies and consulates. Susan previously participated on AMSA’s International Committee, IAM’s Government Traffic Sub-Committee, and is currently serving on the Executive Committee as a Member-At-Large, as well as Chair of the Claims and Risk Management Committee.
Core and Supplier Membership

Matthieu Odijk
Matthieu Odijk brings 16 years of experience in the moving industry and 20 years in logistics. He started his career as a MISE Trainee with AP Moller Maersk and lived as an expat in Belgium, reorganizing the pan-European logistics for Honda Europe.
In 2006, Matthieu transitioned to the moving industry to work for the well-respected company Voerman International in The Netherlands. At Voerman, Matthieu had the opportunity to develop his industry knowledge through FIDI and IAM training programs and the mentorship of Wiebe van Bockel and Ed van Bodegraven.
Through his activity in the IAM Young Professional (IAM-YP) membership, Matthieu served on the YP Management Board. Over the years of working with his peers, he led the IAM-YP group to where they are now; a professional leadership group of young professionals connected to IAM.
In 2015, Matthieu headed up the moving division of Aspire Mobility in Denmark, again making him a mover and an expat.
After four years of leadership and many lessons learned, Matthieu had the opportunity to go back to basics, partnering with the largest contractor in Denmark to offer cost-competitive solutions in a high-priced market at MF Interlogistics.
Matthieu has served on several IAM committees to assist the board and committee members with member-driven initiatives. He has provided feedback in a constructive manner, acting in the best interest of the IAM membership.
“With me on the Board, the IAM community will have a seasoned industry professional with high energy and commitment to do right and provide fresh ideas, and someone who is not afraid to speak his mind for the greater good of the industry and the members. When or if elected, it is my ambition to make the work of IAM and its Board more visible to the members and emphasize the added value IAM offers to the global mobility industry.”

Boris Populoh
Boris Populoh, who currently serves as IAM Core Members Representative, brings more than two decades of experience and broad-based knowledge of the international household goods moving and relocation industry.
Populoh began his career in the early 1990s as a driver and operations manager for a regional relocation company in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region. Within a few years, he was instrumental in launching and implementing the National Moving and Storage Association’s Registered International Mover (RIM) Program, the industry’s first quality assurance program. After leading and growing the program for more than five years as the vice president of international affairs at the American Moving and Storage Association, he joined IAM (then HHGFAA) as director of programs and education.
At IAM, Populoh launched and led a number of transportation security and technology initiatives aimed at strengthening the household goods industry’s position in a rapidly changing and increasingly challenging global environment. Among the major initiatives that were launched during his tenure at IAM were the drafting and implementation of the Receivable Protection Program and the initiation of an industry-wide numeric code codification standard under the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and International Standards Organization.
In late 2008, Populoh was named managing director of FIDI and moved his family to Belgium, where he continued to champion the industry’s efforts aimed at service quality standardization through FIDI’s flagship FAIM program. He also furthered his knowledge of and experience with international relocation standards and policies.
In 2011, after the Populoh family returned to the U.S., he was named senior vice president at the Willis Relocation Risk Group. He continues his passionate support of IAM and its members by serving on the IAM Executive Committee, the Core Members Management Board, the IAM Ethics Council, the Technology and Communications Committee, and the Budget and Finance Committee.

Ben Scheiner
Ben Scheiner has been in the moving industry since 1998 and has worked for a number of removal companies. During that time, he has gained vast experience in all aspects of the business and still helps crews load client containers when necessary. He has managed global relocations for all kinds of clients, including professional football players, musicians, diplomats and senior directors of large blue-chip organizations across the globe.
In 2006, Scheiner realized his ambition of starting his own company, Global Relocations Ltd., and has never looked back. The company forged strong links with known overseas agents to provide reliable origin and destination services as well as flexible and prompt surveys at short notice.
“The company has grown each year,” says Scheiner, “and continues to provide a reliable service with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. Today it is one of the most recognized firms in the UK and a destination agent of choice for important client shipments.”
Scheiner has attended most IAM events since 2006 and has been a passionate supporter of the IAM-YP organization. Prior to his service on the Executive Committee, he served as representative for Europe on the IAM-YP Management Board
During this year’s annual meeting, Scheiner hopes to be re-elected as the Non-U.S. Core Members Representative. “My goal,” he says, “is to continue to support fellow Executive Committee members and help to bridge the gap between the changing European landscape and the United States.”

Catherina Stier
Catherina Stier, Key Account Manager for Henri Harsch in Switzerland, has worked in the moving industry since 2006. She is responsible for partner relationships, new partner development, pricing, RFP response management and support of the operational team. Stier also manages corporate account business development in the German section of Switzerland. Driven to be active in all aspects of the industry, she has traveled around the world, strengthening relationships with companies and individuals while gaining a deep understanding of the issues that affect industry leaders.
Born in Chile of a German father and Chilean mother, Stier split her time growing up between Germany and Colombia. As a young woman, she lived and worked in serval countries including Spain, Italy, Germany and Switzerland.
As the Core Member Representative at Large, Stier has taken an active leadership role in several committees, working to ensure that membership interests are fully represented.
As chair of the membership restructuring committee, Stier guided the committee on developing the new IAM membership structure. The committee ultimately produced and implemented a structure which gives the membership multiple levels of engagement, more benefits for each level of membership and lower costs of membership for branches of existing members.
In summer 2020, Stier took the lead on the Volunteer Engagement Taskforce. The taskforce was established to strengthen to the association’s governance function by increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of volunteer leaders. Under her lead, the taskforce has thus far improved recruitment practices, implemented a volunteer onboarding process, redefined volunteer practices and procedures, and implemented a volunteer recognition program.
Additionally, Stier serves as the Chairperson of the IAM Trusted Moving Company Program working group.
As IAM-YP Chair (until 2020), Stier has worked closely with the IAM leadership, successfully advocating for ways to ensure maximum participation and raise the profile of IAM’s Young Professional members. For example, she championed opening the Social Mixer to the entire membership. This opening ultimately led to yet another evolution of the mixer into one of the most successful fundraisers for the Alan F. Wolhstetter Scholarship Fund.
As part of her wider role within IAM, Stier has represented the association at other industry meetings such as Young Movers, IMA, and FIDI. Integrating cross-association cooperation with a personal passion for environmental awareness led her to become one of the founding members of the Global Green Initiative (GGI), a partnership between IAM YP, FIDI 39 and LACMA Next.
In 2021, Stier was the first recipient of the new IAM-YP Rising Star Award. The Rising Star Award recognizes an IAM-YP member who embodies the mission of the IAM Young Professional community and has distinguished themselves through a commitment to professional development, networking with the young professional community, and engaging in philanthropic activities impacting the global moving and mobility industry.

The Hall of Honor was established in 2008 to pay tribute to those Industry leaders whose careers reflect exceptional and distinguished service to their companies or the Association, or who have worked to elevate the industry as a whole. Since its inception, 78 deserving individuals have been inducted into the Hall of Honor.
Please join us in celebrating this year’s inductees!
Chairman, Asian Tigers K.C.Dat(S) Pte Ltd

Kok Chong Dat (K.C.Dat), a mover from Kuala Lumpur, headed south to start a new company in Singapore with his business partner, Michael Lee, on July 11, 1963. Little did he know at the time, but from humble beginnings, the company would become one of Asia’s most successful moving companies. Dat was a pioneer, an innovator, and an inspiration to others across the globe. His company’s success was due in large part to the energy, enthusiasm and expertise of some extraordinary people—most notably, Eric Lim.
In 1969, K.C.Dat was sold to Harper Gilfillan Plc., a major trading company based in the UK. Eric Lim joined the company in 1975, about the time that the company was sold again to a consortium of some of the industry’s most recognized characters, led by Jean Jacques-Borgstedt, Martin Santini and others.
Eric was a salesman for the company under the steward ship of Geoff Eyer as MD. Geoff was an inspirational leader, and Eric and the other 20 or so employees were happy to work hard doing whatever was needed to achieve success. Then came a twist of fate—Geoff, the company’s driving force, had to return to the USA due to ill health in 1983. His departure left an opportunity for Eric, who had invested his profit-sharing bonuses to become a minority shareholder in the business, to become the General Manager. That was arguably the moment when the K.C.Dat we know was born.
A further change of ownership in 1990 saw Eric mortgaging his house to raise funds to buy back the shares. Soon, Eric managed to become the single biggest shareholder and in 2002 he gained a controlling interest. It took him 27 years, but at last Eric had bought the company he loved and had worked so hard to build into a success.
Eric was among the first to recognize the opportunity of relocation when the rest of the moving industry turned a blind eye, hoping it would go away. He enlisted the support of companies of similar mind to K.C.Dat; the same firms that eventually were to provide the nucleus of Asian Tigers. The concept worked so well that it was copied in Latin America when international movers there created LARM. LARM eventually was sold to Prudential Relocation (Scottsdale, Arizona, USA).
Eric was the inspiration behind Asian Tigers and help to build it into one of the driving forces in the moving industry. Over the years, Eric has also served in various industry organizations. He been a board member of CETI, OMNI, FIDI, and Unigroup Worldwide. He was area director for AMC, PAIMA, LACMA, and FIDI Asia. In 2006 he became the first Asian President of FIDI.
K.C.Dat now has offices in Myanmar, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore. Besides the moving business, the K.C.Dat Company handles general freight and project cargo. The company is also the leading office mover in Singapore. The fine art business is managed under Lotus fine Art and the relocation business under Silk Relocation Ltd.
The company we see today is a far cry from the old days of working from a small rented office and a single story warehouse in Jalan Terusan. Today, the company operates in a six-story office and a three-story warehouse. Under Eric’s leadership, the company has matured into a true world player and has adapted to meet the needs of a changing industry. The management of K.C.Dat has rarely been short of good ideas and the company continuously gains in strength.
The world is changing every minute, and if you don’t change it will pass you by. At 71 years old, and despite taking a back seat in the day-to-day running of the company, Eric has no plan to let anything pass him by. Succession in the business is secure with Eric’s younger brother John Lim as the Managing Director and a dedicated and experienced team in place. There is also plenty of young talent waiting in the wings, including Eric’s daughter Erika of whom he is immensely proud. After 50 years of success, the future looks rosy for Eric and K.C.Dat.
Founder & Executive Director, Move For Hunger

Adam Lowy is a fourth-generation mover whose family has owned a moving company for nearly 100 years. After seeing large amounts of food go to waste during the moving process, he launched the organization Move For Hunger to mobilize moving and transportation companies to rescue food during the move. To date, Move For Hunger has delivered over 27 million pounds of food to food banks—enough to provide more than 23 million meals to individuals in need.
Adam and his organization were most recently featured on the TODAY Show in 2021. He proudly represented the New York City Hub of the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community at the Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos in 2015, speaking at panels focused on sustainability. In 2014, he was honored among Forbes 30 Under 30. In 2011, he was honored at the VH1 Do Something Awards and at the NBC American Giving Awards for his commitment to creating social change.
Adam has appeared on a variety of morning news networks discussing the state of food insecurity in the United States, and has given many keynote talks at universities and corporations on the themes of innovation, sustainability, and corporate social responsibility.
Director, Government Services/Intl Miliary, SIRVA

I have always loathed talking about myself; to me, it seems so self-righteous. It is very difficult to talk about oneself without feeling a bit uneasy, but here goes.
I was born in Guatemala and have lived in the U.S. for most of my adult life. This has given me a somewhat unique view of the world and I like to think that I represent both countries well.
It has always been my goal to be the very best at whatever I do. I work very hard at it whether it is a family matter, friendships, my profession, or sports knowledge. A delicate balance is required to be successful at all of them. And, that balance can be very easily disrupted.
Do I feel successful? I feel better about some things than others, but on the whole, I do. I have an amazing family, and good health. I have wonderful friends. I have a very rewarding job. Throughout my career at SIRVA, I have reported to various individuals who have been supportive, but have also empowered me to manage and grow the international military and government areas of our business. I have served on several industry groups and have been elected to the boards of LACMA and ISA. In these roles, I gained and offered insight into many of the vexing issues confronting our industry. These opportunities have made me a better leader for the associations as well as for SIRVA.
So, if Evan Esar was correct in saying that “Success is the good fortune that comes from aspiration, desperation, perspiration and inspiration,” then I suppose that I fall into that category.