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Issue - July/August 2021


Knowledge Base Update

By Ray daSilva, IAM Mobility Exchange

I bought an electrical vehicle (EV) a year ago. I anticipated that there would be quite a few things that I would have to get used to with a fully electrical vehicle, but one thing that proved to be a pleasant surprise was this feature called OTA Update or over-the-air update.

The first time I experienced a notice on my dashboard that an OTA update was available, I felt a wave of excitement as I connected to a wireless signal source and started to download the update. But then a level of familiarity struck me right away and made me realize that this was not really a new thing. OTA updates (also known as OTA programming) have been a common feature of computers and are now likewise increasingly becoming a common feature of more and more devices including household appliances. After the update (which did not take that long) was done, the notification came in: new driving features like the Autopilot system had been enhanced, the entertainment suite had been given some upgrades and the battery life had been improved.

One EV reviewer remarked that when he bought the vehicle, the salesperson said, “This is the worst your car will ever be.” What she meant was that with OTA updates, the car’s performance and features would be continuously upgraded.

How The Update Process Applies To Us

At the time a device or in this case, a car, is manufactured, the maker applies the absolute best engineering, technology and best-known assumptions designed for maximum performance, efficiency, and usability. This is not unlike the human process of learning.

During our school years and later as we start our careers, we are educated in the best knowledge using the best tools available to us at that time to prepare us for our future. It is only in the recent history of human evolution that the concept of knowledge updates became accepted; limited to only certain professionals like doctors, engineers, and academicians.

Anyone familiar with the concept of exponential growth knows that if you apply this to the pace of change, things will seem to plod along in a linear almost unnoticeable fashion until one day, we are shocked with the realization that the world has dramatically changed. That day relative to the requirement for constant and frequent knowledge base updates is here for all of us.

Continuing Education

Most humans have actually already reached a state of near continuous OTA updates. We watch the news, we read magazines like this one, we stay updated on social media and we have mobile encyclopedias with powerful search and indexing features in our pocket. Assumptions based on once-accepted facts are constantly being challenged and at times turning what was conventional wisdom upside down. We are now in a state where the opportunity to access near-continuous learning is within reach for most of us but the old adage, “You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink,” has never rung more true. Some of us still choose to suffer from thirst, especially when it comes to our professions.


When an OTA Update is available for my car or my smartphone, a reminder is sent to my car or device. It nags me until I do the update. We all get the same notices related to knowledge in our professions. Think about it; articles, webinars, courses, and even knowledge-based professional designations—the update notices are in our inbox daily. Yet, many choose to ignore or put these off.

Below is a list of handy excuses we use to justify putting off or ignoring OTA Update notices:

  • I cannot afford it.

  • I do not have time.

  • I already know all this.

  • I cannot take time off work.

  • I am planning on this after the (fill in event).

  • I am already a manager.

Effects of Ignoring Professional Development

In my training and teaching, I always refer to the stages of development:

  • Unconscious Incompetence

  • Conscious Incompetence

  • Conscious Competence

  • Unconscious Competence

The stages can be used to highlight various points. For example, unless you are already in the stage of unconscious competence where you have so mastered a skill that you do not need to think about it to perform it with excellence, you cannot really consider yourself a pro yet. Apply that to music and you think of maestros who feel, engage, react and connect with their audience without having to worry about the next note.

Apply that same concept to some skills and you’ll find tasks to be repetitive, boring, unchallenging and unfulfilling. This is why true professionals are wise and humble enough to know that a return to a place of Unconscious Incompetence IS necessary. It opens new worlds that are waiting to be explored, learned and mastered.

I do not think we need to enumerate the effects and risks of ignoring professional development at the individual and company levels. They are too evident and too obvious to require discussion.

OTA Update Notice to IAM Member Companies

Congratulations. As a member of IAM, your team members have access to a large number of knowledge base and driver updates through IAM Learning. A list of the updates with version notes can be found on the IAM Learning website. Be sure to read the version and installation notes carefully.

Here are some answers to Frequently Used Excuses:

  • I cannot afford it: The cost of just one programming service failure for not applying the latest update will pale in comparison to the minimal course fee. Many of the updates are free.

  • I do not have time: The updates are guaranteed to increase efficiency and avoid programming failures. The investment will save you time in the long run.

  • I already know all this: This may be true; in which case it will reinforce your knowledge and help you to teach and mentor your teammates.

  • I cannot take time off work: The updates are offered online 24 hours a day. Choose a pace and schedule that fits your work schedule. Investing just 30 minutes a week will make a profound difference in your performance.

  • I am planning on this after the (fill in event): Absolutely valid. Commit and enroll now. You will have ample time to complete the update but start with the commitment today.

  • I am already a manager: Yes; your skills, experience, hard work and knowledge got you here. If you are wise and humble enough you will see the benefits of applying the updates to benefit your company, your team and yes, yourself.

Warning: Failure to apply updates to your system may affect long-term sustainability and operational efficiency of your unit. Loss of profitability, competitiveness and team morale are common reported effects.

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