Issue - July/August 2021
Planning, Progress and Patience
By Paxton International
The coronavirus has changed the way business is being done in many industries, and moving, storage and logistics is no exception. Paxton International has been working throughout the pandemic to meet the new challenges emerging from these unprecedented times. Two of our coordinators share their insights below:
Morgana Somers,
Director of Global Development
“Before the pandemic, Paxton International—like many of our contemporaries—had a robust contingency plan in place for a host of unforeseen scenarios. And while a global pandemic wasn’t exactly what we foresaw, fortunately, our other preparations allowed for a seamless transition to work from home while maintaining our same service levels. The pandemic has touched everyone—partners and clients alike—but it has proven we can get the job done from anywhere. And it has shown everyone how each part of the world affects another. We really are truly connected!”
Jennifer Smith,
International Specialist
“Even before the global pandemic began to affect us in 2020, Paxton was ahead of the game using technology to connect with others. With offices worldwide, we have employees working across the globe and as such we’ve needed the ability to work remotely and securely for a long time now. For us, thankfully, the slow down didn’t last long. People still had places to be, so we rose to address new obstacles and overcame them to meet the needs of our clients.
“One of the biggest issues for me personally, and I think for others in our company as well, has been the lack of in-person contact. Video meetings are amazing, don’t get me wrong, but they just aren’t quite the same as peer-to-peer interaction and face-to-face time with clients. I do expect this will go back to normal as things continue to improve. When it comes to changes in government regulations and client relations alike, people have had to learn to grow their patience. Waiting has just become a part of pandemic life; waiting for things like visas, passports, plane tickets, etc. is just part of the game-plan now. As a company, we have worked hard to prepare clients for a continually changing landscape, while we ourselves work behind the scenes to get each and every shipment right.”