Issue - July/August 2022
Leading the Way to a Sustainable Future
Alvaro Gago, General Manager, Gateway Moving and Relocation
It is no secret that technology is transforming the way we do business at an accelerated pace, particularly in our industry. As young professionals (YP Movers) in leadership and decision-making positions, I believe that we have the responsibility to guide the moving industry on the best path to the next transshipment port for future generations, just as our mentors did for us.
At Gateway, we have set a goal that has been enthusiastically adopted by our entire team—namely, to be the reference company in the local and international moving industry through innovation, the use of technology, and executing with quality and professionalism each and every one of our services, combining technology with tradition, and with the daily task of identifying, analyzing and proposing solutions to inefficiencies in our own work in a constant search for quality.
As one of the youngest leaders in charge of a moving company in Costa Rica, I have undertaken with great care and dedication to carry out these goals within a framework of corporate social responsibility and ensuring that our operations are sustainable not only economically, but also socially and environmentally, seeking the preservation of the environment and the sustainability of future generations.
For this reason, at Gateway we have decided to start doing things in a different way. We have a recycling plan that offers an adequate destination for our consumable materials. We have decided to eliminate adhesive tapes from our local moving and storage services and replace them with rubber bands. We have also eliminated paper in our inventories, replacing them with digital inventories, and soon we will replace our fleet of diesel trucks with electric trucks.
Costa Rica is a small country of only 51,179 sqm, with approximately 5,200,000 inhabitants. However, we stand out internationally for being a green country that is committed to the environment. So, at Gateway Moving we have decided to stand out not only in quality and professionalism but also to be an example for our colleagues inside and outside the national territory, being responsible not only with our customers but also with our environment.