Portal Focus - May/June 2021
Alfa Makes Moving Easier with AI Technology
By Britt Junedahl Hoover, Marketing Coordinator, Alfa
Technology Partnerships Improve Transparency and Workflow
Alfa is the largest Scandinavian provider of mobility and assignment services. Our core services are Immigration and Visa, Relocation, Mobility and International Moving, and our focus is to take the lead in our region with the help of innovations in technology.
It has been very important for our company to adopt new technology to provide solutions to problems or inefficiencies. Therefore, we recently implemented a case management system tool and a video survey tool to increase efficiency and reduce costs. One of our goals is to improve our communication process with customers, and impact their daily lives in a positive way by saving both time and money. Another goal is to improve our environmental targets to create a stress-free environment for our customers.
The technology trend within the moving business holds several innovations to improve service quality and efficiency, including self-booking system to offer increased customer contact and accessibility, an app for household goods tracking system online, and price generated apps using AI technology. They offer the advantages of saving time; easier, faster and more effective communication; and more efficient management systems. The biggest challenges we faced in both these implementations have been solutions for data security.
mai-relocation is a Case Management System using AI technology that enables all involved parties to be updated daily. Direct initiations, tracking, chat function and an assignee app make it incredibly easy for our consultants to keep in touch and update assignees. Besides the practical functions, mai-relocation was developed with advanced security, ensuring that personal information and documents are shared and saved in a protected manner and in compliance with the current GDPR legislation.
Customers can initiate and track their relocations via the HR portal, while assignees can use their portal to keep up-to-date on all aspects of their relocation. Assignees can post expenses and maintain a travel diary on their mobile devices via the mai-relocation app.
The user experience has been improved significantly compared to previous system. This improvement benefits both internal users, who can utilize different layouts depending on their personal preferences, as well as external users, who can receive customized dashboards and tailored reports.
We will also invest into the integration with our finance systems, so that our Mobility team will be able to handle the entire case from within the same system, which will mean a great advantage for everyone. The case management system is a valuable investment for us, providing our Mobility team a highly competitive tool to work in while enabling further growth for the foreseeable future.
Yembo is Alfa’s chosen solution to conduct video surveys, using the latest AI technology to help achieve environmental targets and to create a stress-free environment for the assignee.
The survey tool was adopted by Alfa in June 2020 and we are currently the only user of the system in Scandinavia. The survey tool is a customer interactive software application using AI technology to assist in the survey process. It is easily-accessible with a login that can be used worldwide by any user. This way, we can support our customers by improving our environmental targets.
We are really looking forward to future features continuing to use AI technology for other survey options on site and integration of barcode stickers to reduce complexity on the day of the move. We anticipate further development of tools that will use AI technology to support our customers and also improve ways to reach our environmental goals, and look forward to future innovations within the moving industry.