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Portal - May/June 2021



by Will Kohudic, Editor, Portal

Technology—specifically, information technology—has always been an important part of the moving and forwarding industry, even if we look back in time so far that it’s hard to recognize as such. Many people in the business remember typing client information into a carbon-copy form on a Selectric. (Some of us may even have learned to type on a manual typewriter.) A new person just starting out today may use apps for everything and may never even touch a clipboard—or a keyboard.


Today, the question is not whether we use technology in our work, but how we use it and how it improves and transforms our processes. Whether your company is always the first to adopt (or develop) the next hot IT tool or if you take more of a wait-and-see approach, you’ll see in the stories below that there is no one right way to go about updating your systems—it’s all about planning, timing, and sometimes necessity.


In fact, technology is what makes it possible for us to bring you contributions from so many of your colleagues in one publication. Now that the Portal has made the leap to digital-only publishing, we’re no longer constrained by page counts, signature size, the limitations of paper and ink (and their environmental impact), or the reliability of the postal service.


The subject of technology was set for this issue long before the decision to go digital, but it couldn’t have come at a better time. I encourage you to read it in full, and take in the hard-won wisdom of this issue’s contributors. I hope it helps give you a sense of where your company is on the technology spectrum, a vision of where you want to be, and a roadmap to guide you there.


​The articles in this feature have been loosely grouped into four categories to help you navigate them:

Improving Processes and Customer Experience

Move4U • Tippet-Richardson • UTS Germany • ACR International • Movegistics • Moveware • Apple Moving


Enhancing Connections and Communications

Enterprise Database Corporation • FEDEMAC • WHPlus GmbH  • Grupo Amygo • Daycos • TriGlobal • PricePoint


Technology Partnerships Improve Transparency and Workflow

Voxme • Boonma • Yembo • Alfa • Voerman • Gosselin • McCollister’s • Supermove • Trünk Moves


Best Practices (and Pitfalls)
in Tech Adoption

Mobility Exchange • PM Relocations • Trellis Vine Consulting • New World Van Lines • TMI • Decapack

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