Issue - May/June 2023

Volunteering with IAM
Member at Large: IAM Executive Committee
I was so privileged that Gosselin supported me to be able to move to California on an internship immediately after graduating from college. As I was in the U.S. anyway, I was also able to attend the IAM Annual Meeting at the start of my career—my first meeting was Reno, Nevada in 1997.
Being still at a young age, that event made a big impression. The attendance at that time was not like it is the last couple of years, but it amazed me that everybody knew everybody. Speakers and moderators knew people in the audience by first name, and having so many knowledgeable people in one room has always been a very nice experience.
Conducting business and seeing many people at least once a year, you built up relationships and especially as a YP member, they have become friends as well. I quickly decided to be part of the YP-35 group (now IAM-YP). In 2007 I had the privilege of serving as YP-35 Chair for two terms until the end of 2010 after turning 35 that year.
IAM-YP is great to find your way in this industry and during the Annual Meeting, which can be very overwhelming.
Since I missed the involvement with YP group I ran for a Member at Large position on the Executive Committee and was elected in 2014; I have served in that position since then. I was part of the name change from HHGFAA to IAM and have seen Terry stepping down and Chuck taking over. I was involved with establishing with the Excom the Mission, Vision and Strategy of IAM, and more recently the restructuring of the membership categories. These are all highlights for me personally on the Excom Board.
Over the years I have worked with many fantastic people with great knowledge and experience in our industry. Needless to say, you take all this information home and is beneficial in our own organization and personally. You make friends and create business relationships and you learn from experienced and knowledgeable leaders, and for this reason I highly recommend volunteering.
I’m proud to be a member of the IAM family, working for an organization that gives the opportunity to volunteer and do good for our industry. Many IAM members work for the same customers—the U.S. government, large corporate accounts, RMCs, etc. We all want to do a good job for these customers and can only do that through great relationships with great partners all over the world who are part of IAM. I’m very thankful we can do this every day.