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Issue - July/August 2023

Feature 1 - Portal - SepOct24 v2.jpg

Business Minded is Kindness Minded: When you focus on your people, the sales follow

My father, who also was an entrepreneur, told me if you build your business focused on being of service to people, the sky’s the limit. Don’t think about sales, think about solving people’s problems. My partner and I follow his words of wisdom and have built our company, NorthStar Moving, on the principles of kindness. We make it our mission to go beyond lifting boxes, to lifting up those in need.

Over the years, we discovered kindness is contagious. It starts with practicing kindness towards your employees; or, as we prefer to call those helpful folks "team members.” Our culture of creating kindness allows our happy team members to practice kindness with our clients and in their community.

One of our main corporate social responsibility initiatives is that we ask each of our team members what nonprofit organizations are meaningful to them. We then evaluate supporting those charities that are close to their hearts. From little league teams to a mobile eye care truck for underserved kids, as a company we enjoy uncovering organizations in every corner of our community that are deserving of our support. Our team members love that they can feel great about the work they do for the community. We also pay our team members to volunteer in the community and host an annual company summer food drive to feed hungry children throughout Los Angeles.

As a result, our team members are happy. We are honored to be named one of the Best Places to Work for ten consecutive years. Our team values the difference NorthStar Moving is making in the community, from our green practices to involvement in many charitable events throughout the year. By creating an atmosphere where people look forward to coming to work every day and have a passion for what they do, happiness and kindness ripples out to create great client service and overflows into the community.

As a business owner, I believe kindness is set by example. In addition to showing my gratitude to our team, I show my gratitude to the community. Support doesn’t have to be just giving big bucks. There are many ways to support charities and spread compassion in the community. For instance, I give my time and expertise to Claire’s Place Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization designed to assist children and families affected by cystic fibrosis, and also lead our annual Let’s Send Hunger Packing food drive. We provide in-kind support to countless charities. From providing Make-A-Wish with moving services, free storage, donation pick-ups, logistical help in the preparation of their fundraisers and granting wishes to children, to assisting Miry’s List with delivering donations and the Lu Parker Project by transporting dog beds to give homeless dogs a better place to sleep, we are always seeking ways our moving services can be of service.

People are hungry for trustworthy companies. In this era of people questioning motives, if the public sees your business involved in the community, your reputation goes up. By being involved in the community, you meet like-minded people. Those people spread the word, sending you referrals. And it’s really true: the more you give, the more you get back. To really be fortunate, you must share your good fortune. After all, kindness really is contagious.

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