Issue - January/February 2023
IAMTrusted Moving Companies
The IAM Code of Ethics:
A Foundation for IAM Trusted
By Brian Limperopulos, Vice President, IAM
Developed more than a decade ago, the IAM Code of Ethics provides IAM members with a set of guidelines to assist them in understanding the difference between “right” and “wrong,” and in applying that understanding to their dealings with clients and other IAM members. Put simply, it states the values to which our members are committed and embodies the ethical responsibilities of our profession. Up until the end of 2022, the Code of Ethics was a set of only ten clauses.
We encourage all members to read about the IAM Code of Ethics here and access the full, updated Code of Ethics.
When developing the IAM Trusted Moving Company (ITMC) designation, IAM leadership recognized that the Code of Ethics could serve as a strong foundation for this voluntary program. Agreeing to abide by the Code of Ethics is a mandatory condition of IAM membership. All members, whether new or old, must reaffirm their commitment to it each year.
To be a strong foundation, though, the Code of Ethics had to be expanded to more than just a set of ten clauses. It needed to provide more concrete guidance to members about what is expected of an IAM member. As a result, IAM enhanced the Code of Ethics significantly, publishing a new version in December of 2022.
Instead of setting two different sets of criteria for IAM members vs. IAM Trusted Moving Companies (ITMCs), we simply layered the ITMC agreement on top of the existing Code of Ethics affirmation statement required of all members. The key difference is that ITMCs must demonstrate adherence with the Code of Ethics and the IAM Trusted Moving Company agreement. When we say “demonstrate adherence,” that means you have to be able to prove you’re doing the things you agree to in the Code.
For example, the Code of Ethics sets forth several clauses about how an IAM member will manage the private data of its clients. IAM Trusted Moving Companies are required to go one step further by uploading their data protection and privacy policy into the IAMX validation system to verify they are complying with the language set forth in the Code of Ethics.
With this enhanced Code of Ethics and its elegant relationship to the IAM Trusted Moving Company designation, IAM is setting the stage for the Code to be a powerful vehicle for driving IAM member standards in the future. As we look to the future, the Code of Ethics will serve as a powerful statement informing the moving public of our members’ commitment to the ethical principles which guide the work of moving companies, their suppliers, and their staffs.
The IAM Code of Ethics is more than just a set of guidelines—it is a commitment to professionalism and integrity. By adhering to the Code of Ethics, IAM Members demonstrate to their clients and colleagues that they are committed to upholding the highest standards in the moving industry.
The benefits of the Code of Ethics extend beyond simply building trust with clients. Adhering to the Code of Ethics can also help IAM Members to avoid costly legal disputes and protect their reputation within the industry. The Code of Ethics provides clear guidance on ethical conduct, helping IAM members to navigate complex situations with confidence and integrity.
In addition to these practical benefits, the Code of Ethics also helps to foster a sense of community within IAM. By committing to a shared set of ethical standards, IAM members can work together toward the common goal of providing the best possible service to their clients.
So, why is the Code of Ethics so important? Simply put, it helps to ensure that IAM members are able to deliver the highest level of service to their clients, while also protecting their own interests and maintaining the integrity of the moving industry as a whole. Whether you are a new or renewing member of IAM, it is essential that you familiarize yourself with the Code of Ethics and commit to upholding these standards in your daily work.
Pictured above are members of the IAM Ethics Council at its most recent meeting in Atlanta, Georgia (USA).