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Issue - July/August 2022


A Leader is Far More Than Just a Boss

Luis Holst, Business Development Director, Gridiron Forwarding Co., Inc

As a leader, especially being a young leader, you have to be capable of generating confidence between your team and the people who work with you. It’s always a key factor to work together as a team, in order to achieve goals all together, going in the same direction.

People often forget about the differences between being a boss and being a leader. All leaders can be bosses, but not all bosses can be leaders, and that’s the most important difference when you need commitment from all different departments and key players.

The image to the right speaks for itself about some of the most important values that leaders can demonstrate, including focusing on how to take advantage of the strengths of all collaborators by giving them credit, acting together as one team, delegating responsibilities, encouraging team members to grow as people and professionals, focusing on strengths, taking responsibility, coaching, listening, asking and inspiring. All of these values, in the end, will create a harmonious environment and make the perfect path to achieve success and company goals.

The most important asset of your company will be the human talent, as they will be in constant communication with your customers and they will also be “the face” of the company. It’s very important to keep them motivated and happy, and let them know they are part of something great.

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